Financial support for community projects in Harpenden

Community Fund

The Community Fund provides financial support for community projects in the Harpenden area with grants for specific projects designed to develop, improve or enhance their work or for facilities for their members. Organisations which have recently benefitted are shown on the Community Fund Donations page.

These grants are financed by income from the Abbeyfield Endowment (see under About Us > Legal & Regulatory) and do not use any of the funds raised by the Harpenden Trust's Christmas Appeal.

The Fund favours grant applications for specific projects. It does not offer funding to cover regular expenses, salaries or deficits.

A downloadable pdf version of the Grant Application Form is available here (use the Grant Application Form link on the right for a downloadable word version). Alternatively you can request one by emailing the Community Fund or you can drop by and pick up a copy from the Office at the Trust's Centre in Southdown.

The Community Fund Committee meets 4 times a year - in March, June, September and December. Applications should reach the Trust's office by the first Friday of the preceding month, but this can vary occasionally so please check with the Office.

Please send the completed application form, preferably by email, to [email protected], or address it to the Community Fund Chair at the Trust's Office.


Batford Springs Boardwalk and Reed Fen:

Batford Springs & Boardwalk

Trust Hall Bus Shelter, Southdown:

Harpenden Trust Bus Shelter

Lea Primary School Jubilee Garden

Lea School Garden

Pinta Galleon, Southdown Play Area:

Pinta Galleon at Southdown Play Area