Support for individuals, families and young people in need within Harpenden

Care Fund

The Care Fund offers support for individuals and families and young people in need within Harpenden. It largely relies on funds raised by the Harpenden Trust’s Christmas Appeal. Much of its work is anonymous and unsung.

For Families & Individuals

A Home Visitor will call and make an assessment and can then arrange for confidential help:

  • Funding for those who have difficulty paying their electricity, gas and water bills.
  • Vouchers for food and school uniforms.
  • Supply of new and recycled furniture and white goods.
  • An outing is arranged annually for families with young children which have received a home visit within the past year.

We are currently offering our full range of help and assistance to Ukrainian families living in Harpenden.

For Seniors

  • The Senior Outings Team will work to deliver a range of free trips and social events throughout the year, to senior Harpenden residents facing social and other isolation, regardless of financial status. There are several coach trips each year, typically to the coast and countryside, and shorter trips for those unable to travel distances by coach; in addition we run two afternoon tea parties for those unable to travel.
  • Christmas food parcels are distributed to those who are housebound or are on their own at Christmas; 140 were distributed for Christmas 2023.
  • We may be able to offer a Utility Grant to those Seniors in receipt of a low pension.
  • There are two coffee mornings each week (from 10.00 am to 11.00 am) where free coffee and biscuits are provided and seniors can chat with volunteers and friends: Tuesday mornings at the Trust’s Centre in Southdown; and, Thursday mornings at the Salvation Army Headquarters, Leyton Green, Harpenden.
  • The Harpenden Trust Seniors' Fair is held each Spring at the Eric Morecambe Centre to showcase all that is available in Harpenden for Senior residents.
  • We also have an internal transport team offering Trust clients transport to our own events such as coffee mornings. Transport is shortly to be enhanced with a minibus that will be available to clients attending Trust events.


We have expanded the support available to AL5 residents to enhance wellbeing, combat isolation and loneliness and facilitate engagement with community activities. We group these services and activities under the umbrella heading ‘Wellbeing’.

  • Befriending: providing regular company older people on their own, who struggle to get out. We have 80 befriendees who enjoy weekly calls or visits from a Trust volunteer befriender.
  • Wellbeing Friends: separate from our befriending work this service takes referrals from Harpenden’s three GP Practices via their Social Prescribers. Clients are supported one-to-one over a few months and encouraged to connect with community activities to support their overall wellbeing and to counter isolation, anxiety and loneliness.
  • Memory Lane Café: for people and families living with dementia, run in conjunction with Harpenden Town Council and the Salvation Army. Mondays 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm at the Salvation Army Headquarters on Leyton Green.
  • Intergenerational Choir: the Clover Singing Group and students from Sir John Lawes School with their music teacher join our volunteers to form an inclusive choir for all, regardless of ability and is dementia friendly. It is held at the Salvation Army, Leyton Green. Tuesdays 12.45 pm to 1.30 pm in term time. Free to take part, just turn up.
  • Frazzled Cafe (Home - Frazzled Cafe): a local Frazzled Cafe funded by the Trust. Four trained facilitators offer peer-to-peer support on a Monday night meeting in the Well Bean café at 130a Southdown Road 6.45 pm to 8.00 pm. Reservations are needed in advance and can be made via
  • Ribbon Cancer Support Group (RCSG): a support group for people who have had a cancer diagnosis. The group runs every Wednesday afternoon at the Trust Halls, 130a Southdown Road, 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm. The group provides a safe space where people can meet and connect with other people who share similar experiences. Whether you want to come and tell your story, have a friendly chat or just listen, we are there to help support you. Contact RCSG on 01582 363 143 (answerphone – we will get back to you) or email [email protected]. Our Facebook link here.
  • Compassionate Café: a space for anyone affected by any type of loss to come for a friendly chat and a chance to meet others over a cup of tea or coffee. Well Bean Café, Harpenden Trust Halls, 130a Southdown Road on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm Just turn up.

For Young People

Families can be provided with confidential help to meet the cost of school uniforms or essential school trips. This can be via a Home Visitor for uniforms or, for school trips, directly with the school. In addition we offer outings for our Home Visits client families with children, which have had recent assistance, to local attractions.

Well Bean Cafe

The Well Bean Café is based at the Harpenden Trust Halls, immediately above the Co-op in Southdown Road. Staffed by Trust volunteers, it offers a warm welcome to all on weekdays - Mondays, Tuesday, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (not Bank Holidays and other announced dates when the Trust is closed) - between 10.30 am and 12.30 pm. Tea, coffee and refreshments (including homemade cakes) are available. We simply ask visitors to donate what they can afford towards the cost of their snack.

Contact Us

Ring us on 01582 460457 at any time. If the office is unmanned, you can leave a message and telephone number and we will call you back.

Email us at [email protected]

Call in and see us at the Trust’s Centre between 10.00 and 12.00 noon, Monday to Friday (except public holidays).


The Care Fund is always looking for volunteers to support its activities. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please see ‘Volunteering’ and call or email us at [email protected]

Coffee Mornings:

Need Support?

Befriending/Home Visiting:


Schools Group:

Group of Girls

Bills/Home Visiting:

Bills Support